There were an incredible 476 A* and A grades, those demanded by the top universities, with only 28 grades below a B.
Among those celebrating are:
- Phoebe Pickering (Fe. 2014-17) who has secured 3 A* grades and a place at Cambridge despite spending much of last year undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
- Robin Denham (Al. 2010-17) who was, for many years, the carer for his disabled mother and yet found time to gain 4 A* grades and a place at Cambridge.
- Sulaiman Wihba (Al. 2016-17) who fled the Syrian civil war a frightened 16-year old and who today gained four A* grades and a place to study Medicine at the University of London.
The Head Master summed up the mood of the College: "Of course, it's great to see so many top grades but, to be honest, the greatest pleasure comes from seeing the success of those who, through hard work and encouragement, have turned D and E grade predictions into A and B grades on the day. They are the ones of whom we are all really proud"