A visit to Brighton College by Adam Belton (L. 1983-88)

Posted by System Administrator on 18 Apr 2011

Modified by System Administrator on 20 Nov 2017


The sun shone on the chosen day, which meant I got to see the College in its best light. Rebecca met me at reception, having organised parking for me, and treated me to a coffee in the school café before handing me over to a current Leconfield prefect who had drawn the short straw to show me around the school. After a wonderful trip down memory lane and much boring of my host with “it wasn’t like this in my day”, I retired for lunch with Simon at the The Ginger Dog (formerly The Wellington pub).

All too soon it was time to head home. The school has certainly moved on since my time there, but all for the better and not such that it would be unrecognisable to those from years gone by. I thoroughly enjoyed by brief trip back and I am very grateful to the OBA for making it happen.

I may have left the school 23 years ago, but I was made to feel like I was still part of the family.