Andrew included many useful details in his accompanying message...
"The Bristol House photo was taken in 1962. The other pictures were taken when I was incarcerated in the Junior School sometime between 1952 and 1957.
My memory is a bit hazy as to who the boys are but may be:
- Climbing on roof – Freedman.
- Bowling – Davies. (Jeremy?)
- On roof with jacket over head – Eric Burrell.
- Pool table – senior common room.
- Group of three – Car-Smith, Freedman, Myself.
- Playground from common room before bottom wall removed. Scout room on left.
- Tug of war with bat – Car-Smith, Davies. Playground wall now removed and replaced with wire.
- Group – Bottom row right. Tony Belcher.
- Man steering boat – Phillip Dore organist. Taken on choir outing on Arun. Summer 1957. Life jackets not needed in those days!
Can anyone help us fill in the gaps!?"