There was good support - 14 played - and the Whitmore Bowl was won by the local man, Watson Failes, with 36pts. Peter Lahaise and Warwick Laing were in close pursuit with 35 pts and Adrian White had 33 pts. The quality of the lunchtime hospitality reduced the time available afterwards to a shorter course foursomes, which was won by the Hon. Sec and Alan Chesterfield with 20 pts, followed by David Laing and Adrian White with 19pts. It was good to see Peter Ficken again recovered from his injuries and playing again.
It is currently hoped to hold this year's Autumn Meeting on October 5th at West Sussex, Pulborough, where another very long-standing supporter, John Spink, is this year's Captain. The Hon. Sec will send out details in due course but OBs wishing to play and who are not on the mailing list are welcome to contact him.