For those of you who like to know the overall picture, the percentage of grades at A*/A this year rose from 83.0% to 90.3%. The historical pattern over six years has been as follows:
- 2006 64.2
- 2007 64.4
- 2008 69.9
- 2009 76.3
- 2010 83.0
- 2011 90.3
The percentage of grades at A* is also very pleasing, up from 42.7% to 52.0%. The historical pattern over six years has been as follows:
- 2006 33.6
- 2007 34.4
- 2008 34.5
- 2009 35.0
- 2010 42.7
- 2011 52.0
In total, there were 709 A* grades, 523 A grades, 119 B grades, 12 C grades and 0 D or E grades.
A few headlines:
- 89 pupils gained A*/A grades in every single subject they sat.
- Every single pupil gained at least 3 A grades.
- 41 pupils achieved 8, 9, 10 or 11 A* grades which puts them in strong contention for a place at Oxbridge, LSE or Imperial.
- Our first cohort of native English Mandarin pupils all gained A or A* grades – a terrific achievement given the difficulty of the language.
I am delighted with these results which put us on a par with many of the most highly selective schools in the country which, as you know, we are not. It speaks volumes for the ‘added value’ of a Brighton education. These will comfortably be the best GCSE results in Sussex.
I can also confirm that our A-Level results were indeed a record. After a few positive re-marks, the A*-B percentage has risen to 95.5% and the A*-A percentage to 77.2%. These should be in the performance tables published in the national press this Friday evening (Evening Standard) and Saturday (The Times, Daily Telegraph). As with the vast majority of independent schools we publish our results in this form and on our website.
In the meantime, enjoy the long weekend. I look forward to seeing you all next week.