The first opposition was to have been Christ’s Hospital but they arrived late so they were replaced by Hymers College from Hull, the game was physical but the Pelicans won the game 8 - 0. The next game against Oundle resulted in a 20 - 3 victory and put us through to the quarter finals. Again we found ourselves pitched against another northern team, St Ambrose College from Altrincham, and again the Pelicans produced the goods winning 14 - 0. This put us through to the semi-final against St. Benedict’s (last year’s winners).
The game was hard-fought and ended in an 11 - 5 loss. The size of our squad worked against us as St Benedict’s ability to use their greater number of replacements, meant fresh legs on the pitch when necessary. Thanks to Tom Aiken (A. 2003-08) for organising this year’s squad.