David Grigor (Le. 1982-87) launches Christmas Fundraiser

Posted by System Administrator on 17 Nov 2023

Modified by System Administrator on 30 Nov 2023

He has set a target of £500 which will provide up to ten youngsters with subsidised art tuition, to benefit from David’s specialist art sessions which would provide much needed support and inspiration for those wanting to express themselves with 2D and 3D mediums.

To do this David is donating 20% from the sale of every art work from his website, including his pen & ink work, paintings and prints. The fundraiser will run until Christmas Eve and progress towards the target will be shown on the fundraiser thermometer on the website regularly until Christmas.

To enhance this campaign, David is introducing new pen & inks of London to his gallery from memories of living there 25 years ago, as well as all the other images, prints and products which would make great Christmas gifts, all for a very good cause! He is also offering 10% discount to those spending over £80 and is also welcoming donations of any amount 

David’s work as an artist has developed into a distinctive repertoire of landscape work around the UK, and his art tells a distinctive story of how he has combined his own art with his specialist brand of teaching to guide all generations in the projects covered through Blind Create. 

Please visit www.davidgrigor.com and be part of this fund-raising campaign to enhance others lives through art tuition.