Dudley worked in the legal profession for 15 years and then qualified as a Barrister and obtained an LLM on EU law and an MPhil in Law of Privacy. He then diversified into the ancients and studied an MA in Classical Civilization at Open University.
He then went on to Brasenose College at Oxford University to study MSt in Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology (2003-4). In 2008 he obtained a Doctorate at Sussex University on the early British travellers to Crete.
Dudley was also a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Sussex, an Aegean Archaeology Tutor at Southampton, a Founder of the University of Sussex Archaeology Society, a Practitioner of the Institute for Archaeologists and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London.
A keen sportsman, he had played Rugby for the OBs and was also a qualified ski and diving instructor. He was until his death one of the Law teachers at Bellerbys college in Brighton and Keeper of the Keys for Bramber castle.
He died suddenly on Thursday 28th January whilst undergoing emergency heart surgery.