Every Boy Remembered - an update

Posted by System Administrator on 06 Nov 2015

Modified by System Administrator on 27 Dec 2017

Fundraising is continuing to provide a visible memorial of the sacrifice of 147 Old Brightonians who died. There are 72 boys sponsored now, with a further 75 remaining to commemorate.

This week we remember all those who died in November 1915:

To remember a boy, simply visit the website and view the Roll of Honour - it is fully searchable so if you want to choose by name, house, month, year, battle - then simply use the search function.

We are asking for a donation of £1,000 to 'sponsor' one of the 147 names of the Old Brightonians from the Roll of Honour. This is your chance to take part in an incredibly significant act of remembrance at the College, as part of the 100th Commemoration of the Great War. You can remember a boy for as little as £22.22 a month, based on 36 monthly instalments over three years.

Current parents may also choose to add to their school fees either as a one-off payment or spread over a number of terms. If you have any queries about donating please do contact us on remember@brightoncollege.net or on 01273 704 250.

Our aim is to remember every pupil who sacrificed his life.