From the Archive: Olympian OBs

Posted by System Administrator on 11 Aug 2024

Major Josiah George Ritchie (1887-88)

Tennis champion Ritchie was a three-time medallist at the 1908 London Olympics, winning a gold, silver, and a bronze medal. He achieved the bronze in the men’s indoor singles, the silver in the men’s doubles, and the gold in the men’s singles. 

He was the last British player to win an Olympic medal in a singles even until Andy Murray won Gold in the 2012 games. 

George Colin Ratsey (St. 1921-24)  

After Brighton College, Colin became a sailor and sail maker. He competed in the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics, winning a silver in the Star Class. 

Geoffrey Vyvyan Arundell Seccombe (Du. 1921-22) 

Geoffrey was the son of Walter Hett, who had served Brighton College as a schoolmaster, and later as Head Master, and was educated here. After school he became a talented fencer. He competed in the team foil event at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. They were sadly eliminated in the second round of the competition.

- James Harrison, Archivist