Golf Society Autumn Meeting 2011

Posted by System Administrator on 06 Oct 2011

Modified by System Administrator on 23 Nov 2016

In the morning we played for the Whitmore Bowl which was handsomely won by our host Tom Hayward who recorded a hugely impressive 38 points playing off scratch. Little wonder then, that Tom has just joined the professional ranks. Whilst OBGS will keenly miss Tom’s golfing talents, we wish him all the very best in what we all hope will be a stellar career.

The incident of the day occurred at the tricky 11th hole, when Robin Colbourne (H. 1960-65) hooked his drive into the stream running alongside the winding valley fairway. Unexpected trouble lay ahead as Robin’s electric trolley and bag motored on and plunged with a crash into the hazard further upstream. CCF training came to the fore, as the OB four-ball quickly formed themselves into a working party to grapple the bag, trolley and assorted clubs up the embankment – sadly the battery had sunk to the bottom, to Davy Jones locker-room, and was not to be found. But there was some good news; Robin’s wallet and valuables had somehow stayed dry…and no additional penalty was incurred for retrieving a golf trolley out of a lateral water hazard (although the grounding of all 14 clubs may have been overlooked). Double bogey scored.

Following liquid refreshments and an excellent lunch, we all regrouped and sped around the course before the light failed in an 18 hole greensome. The runaway victors were Tom Hayward and Chris Gates (R. 1985-90).

A Super day had been enjoyed by all and I hope that even more of you will be able to join us next year – Piltdown GC is the likely venue.

To join the Old Brightonians Golf Society please contact Julian Hunt (D. 1984-87) at