The first event of its kind to be hosted at the College, the Head Master warmly welcomed back the 'legends' of their day. It was a delightful evening, with Ian Dowding (Chichester 1948-54) travelling from as far away as Barbados to join us. Every generation had a different tale to tell about the College in their time, but what they all had in common was the wonderful, lifelong friendships that they had made whilst at the College, the various talents inspired by their time here, and of their pride in what the College is currently achieving.
The Heads of School were asked to be Ambassadors for the Old Brightonians within their year groups, and to support the College's vision of the future, a message enthusiastically received, and we look forward to growing the Old Brightonians network with the support of our Heads of the College.
Special mention and thanks should go to our guest speakers for the evening:
Ian Dowding (C. 1948-54)
Peter Cockburn (S. 1959-64)
Mike Pearson (C. 1970-75)
Jane Kean (F. 1983-85)
Victoria Baines (F. 1990-95)
Paymahn Seyed-Safi (H. 2006-11)
And to our performers:
Choral Performances Shona Hull (C. 2005-10)
Will Emery (Head of School 2013/14)
In attendance:
Will Emery (School U6) Head of School 2013-14
Jack Bowskill (Aldrich U6) Deputy Head of School 2013-14
Annie De Belder (Seldon U6) Deputy Head of School 2013-14
Tessa Hutchinson (Fenwick 2006-2013)
Alex Kolliari-Turner (Hampden 1997-2012)
Fergus Blair (Hampden 2007-2011)
Lizzie Foulds (Williams 2006-2011)
Paymahn Seyed-Safi (Hampden 2006-2011)
Stephanie Hartop (Fenwick 2005-2010)
Georgina Aisbitt (Williams 2007-2009)
Niklaus Pass (Abraham 2007-2009)
Bradley Vanstone (School 2004 2009)
Hannah Edmond (Williams 2003-2008)
Morgan Griffiths (Hampden 2003-2008)
Christopher Waite (Hampden 2002-2007)
Melissa Harrison (Fenwick 1998-2003)
Giles Stubbs (Ryle 1997-2002)
Emily Carter (Fenwick 1996-2001)
Jared Smith (Aldrich 1995-2000)
Alexander Forman (School 1997-1999)
David Oppenheimer (Ryle 1994-1999)
Barney James (Hampden 1993-1998)
Abigail Brown (Fenwick 1992-1997)
Shai Panja (Hampden 1991-1996)
Victoria Baines (Fenwick 1990-1995)
Dylan James (Hampden 1985-1991)
David Gold (School 1986-1991)
Zac Stenning OBE (Hampden 1985-1990)
Adam Belton (Leconfield 1983-1988)
Jane Kean (Fenwick 1983-1985)
Mark Green (Aldrich 1973-1978)
Mike Pearson (Chichester 1970-1975)
Timothy Whelan (Leconfield 1969-1974)
John Polsue (Bristol 1965-1969)
Jeremy Hutchins (School 1960-1965)
Andrew Scott (Hampden 1960-1965)
Peter Cockburn (School 1959-1964)
Peter Griffiths (School 1958-1963)
Chris Davison (Aldrich/Bristol 1953-1959)
Robert Skidelsky (Chichester 1953-1958)
David Nelson-Smith (Hampden 1949-1955)
Ian Dowding (Chichester 1948-1954)
Gordon Halliday (Leconfield 1948-1954)
Alan Seager (Chichester 1948-1953)
Gordon Smith (Bristol 1946-1952)
Leonard Rea (Hampden/Chichester 1946-1951)
Simon Smith Brighton College Common Room 1973-2011
Tony Whitestone Brighton College Common Room 1971-2006
John Spencer Brighton College Common Room 1978-2012
John Pope Brighton College Common Room 1971-2008
Richard Cairns, Head Master
Alan Bird, Deputy Head (Innovation & Development)
Sandy Chenery, Director of Music
Elizabeth Cody, House Mistress Chichester
David Crichton, Head of History
Rebecca Findlay, Old Brightonians
Daniel Gabriele, Head of 6th Form
Matthew Jamieson, Director of Boarding, HMM School House
Steve Marshall-Taylor, Deputy Head (Pupils)
Jill Sherratt, Director of Philanthropy
John Weeks, Deputy Head (Common Room)
Abi Young, Development & Alumni Relations Officer
Angelina Papadopoulos, Philanthropy Assistant
Cameron Dashwood (Hampden 2008-2013)
Hansy Shore (Seldon 2008-2013)
Stephanie Mitchell (Williams 2003-2008)
Matthew Smith (Aldrich 2000-2005)
Edward Doyne-Ditmas (Durnford 1999-2004)
William Doyne-Ditmas (Durnford 1997-2002)
Andrew Nichol (Hampden 1988-1998)
Edward Baxter (Ryle 1992-1997)
James Fletcher (Aldrich 1991-1996)
Jeremy White (School 1988-1993)
Sophie Jackson (Williams 1988-1993)
Dylan James (Hampden 1985-1991)
Simon Thomas (Hampden 1984-1989)
Jason Andrews (Durnford 1983-1988)
James Adutt (Leconfield 1982-1987)
Roger Simons (Chichester 1980-1985)
Andrew Dodd (Hampden 1980-1985)
Justin Wash (Bristol/Chichester 1979-1984)
Ian Ferguson (School 1976-1982)
Adrian Underwood (Aldrich 1976-1981)
Simon Whatman (Bristol 1974-1979)
Ingram Losner (Durnford 1973-1978)
Graham Steer (Hampden 1973-1977)
Wiliam Rosenberg (Hampden 1971-76)
Oretta Villa (Fenwick 1973-1975)
Nigel Carrington (Leconfield 1969-1974)
Robert Hannington(School 1968-1973)
Christopher Terleski (Hampden 1965-1971)
Robin Barrett Leconfield 19640-1970)
Roger Saunders (Aldrich 1963-68)
Timothy Corbett (Bristol 1962-1966)
Hugh Elphick (Aldrich 1960-1966)
Christopher Whitton (Bristol 1959-1963)
Anthony Allen (Hampden 1957-1962)
Ian White (Hampden/Chichester 1956-1962)
Stephen Grose (Bristol 1954-1960)
John Chilcot (Hampden/School 1952-1957)
Gerard Ryan (Leconfield 1946-1950)
John Ince (Bristol 1956-50)
Peter Blake-White (Stenning 1927-33)