The judgements made of Brighton College are as follows:
1. The quality of the pupils’ achievements and their learning, attitudes and skills.
2. The contribution of curricular and extra-curricular provision.
3. The contribution of teaching.
4. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils.
5. The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health and safety.
6. The quality of boarding education.
7. The quality of governance.
8. The quality of leadership.
9. The quality of management.
10. The quality of links with parents, carers and guardians.
In addition, in all eight of the prep school’s assessed categories, they were awarded the top grade of ‘excellent’. The Headmaster, Mr Melia, inspects independent schools himself as part of the ISI teams and has, therefore, read many reports. He assures me that a complete set of ‘excellent’ judgements on each aspect really is very rare and that this is the ultimate gold standard.
The pre-prep school has also been praised in glowing terms, awarded the highest possible rating in areas including pupils’ all-round achievement, personal development and the quality of teaching, and declaring the school’s Early Years Foundation Stage setting to be outstanding in every respect. The inspectors drew attention to the “high quality of the curriculum and teaching”, as well as “the school’s friendly, open approach, which radiates happiness, fun and considerable care for the individual.”
In other words, we have received a simply outstanding inspection report. I am obviously thrilled and am particularly delighted that the hard work and cheerful enthusiasm of my wonderful staff and the equally brilliant young people here have been recognised in this way. It is a genuine cause for celebration for all those connected with Brighton College.
Kind regards, Richard Cairns, Headmaster
ISI Inspection of Brighton College Prep School 2011
ISI Inspection of Brighton College Pre-Prep 2011