KIDZ KLUB Brighton & Hove

Posted by System Administrator on 05 Jul 2012

Modified by System Administrator on 23 Nov 2016

Most of the children and young people we work with are from disadvantaged areas and difficult home backgrounds. Many of them are victims of a chaotic home life and are carrying hurt and pain from family break-up and other damaging experiences.

Through our activities and events, we and our teams of volunteer workers aim to show these children and young people genuine and unconditional care and acceptance. We encourage and hopefully inspire them to be caring, helpful and respectful. When they move on to Secondary School we give them the opportunity to take responsibility and learn leadership skills through our "young helpers" scheme.

For the young people, the highlight of the year is undoubtedly the summer camp. In 2010 we took 10 of them away for 6 days. Last year it was 39. This year we have booked 90 beds at a centre near High Wycombe (August 25th to 30th) and are calling our youth holiday "The Time of Your Life!" That's exactly what it will be for them - totally fantastic and absolutely unforgettable!

The cost per person is £210, but this is way beyond the reach of the families we work with. We consider that £65 is a realistic price. That means we need about £13,000 in subsidies.

We worked on a similar basis last year and raised the money needed then successfully. This year it's been harder, despite our attempts. So I'm wondering if there might be a fund connected with the OBs to which we could apply for some much needed help.

We would be so grateful for any help you can give - please get in topuch at Thank you very much for considering this special request.