Leonard Alfred George Strong (OB. 1910-15)

Posted by System Administrator on 17 Jun 2009

Modified by System Administrator on 06 Dec 2017

Poetry (Selected), Dublin Days (Ox: Blackwell 1921); Difficult Love (Blackwell 1927); The Lowery Road (1924); At Glenan’s Cross (1928); Northern Lights (London: Gollancz 1930); Call to the Swan (London: Hamish Hamilton 1936); The Doll (Leeds: Salamander Press 1947), front. Monique Duolos [500 copies]; The Body’s Imperfections: Collected Poems of L.A.G. Strong (London: Methuen 1957). [See first editions, infra.]

Short Stories, Doyle’s Rock and Other Stories (Ox: Blackwell 1925); Tuesday Afternoon and Other Stories (London: Gollancz 1935); The English Captain and Other Stories (London: Gollancz 1929); Sun on Water and Other Stories (London: Gollancz 1940); Darling Tom and Other Stories (London: Methuen 1952).

Novels, Dewer Rides (London: Gollancz 1929); The Jealous Ghost (1931); The Garden (London: Gollancz 1931); The Bay (London: Gollancz 1931), 280pp.; The Brothers (London: Gollancz 1932) Don Juan and the Wheelbarrow (London: Gollancz 1932) [see infra]; Sea Wall (London: Gollancz 1933) [set in S. County Dublin]; The Seven Arms (London: Gollancz 1935); The Last Enemy (London: Gollancz 1936); The Swift Shadow (London: Gollancz 1937); The Open Sky (London: Gollancz 1939); House in Disorder (London & Redhill: Lutterworth 1941); Slocombe Dies (London: Collins 1942); The Unpractised Heart (London: Gollancz 1942); The Director (London: Methuen 1944); All Fall Down (London: Collins 1944); Travellers (London: Methuen 1945; 1947), 297pp. [31 stories]; Deliverance (London: Methuen 1955);The Travellers (1945) [James Tait Black Memorial Prize]; Travannion ([?] 1945). Hill of Howth (London: Methuen 1953); The Light Above the Lake (London: Methuen 1958) [last novel].

Biography, Dr. Quicksilver 1660-1742, The Life and Times of Thomas Dover MD (London: A[Andrew] Merles 1955); The Minstrel Boy, A Portrait of Tom Moore (London: Hotter & Stoughton 1937); John McCormack, The Story of a Singer (London: Methuen 1941); John Millington Synge [for PEN] (London: Allen & Unwin 1941), 44p. [2]; also John Masefield [Writers and Their Works, 24] ([Longmans] 1952; reps. 1964; corr. rep. Longmans 1968); Henry of Agincourt (London: Nelson 1937), ill. Jack Matthews. Autobiography, Green Memory (1961). Also, Trevannion (London: Methuen 1948); Maude Cherill (London: Parrish 1949), 96pp.;

Commentary, A Letter to W. B. Yeats [Hogarth Letters No.6] (London: L. & V. Woolf, Hogarth Press 1932), pamph.; Personal Remarks (London: Peter Neville 1953) [var. NY 1953]; The Writer’s Trade [?Instructions to Young Writers] (London: Methuen 1953); The Sacred River, an Approach to James Joyce (London: Methuen 1949).

Miscellaneous, ‘The Novel: Assurances and Perplexities’, in The Author, Playwright and Composer, XLV, 4 (Summer 1935), pp.112-15; ‘James Joyce and the New Fiction’, in American Mercury, XXXV, 140 (August 1935), pp.434-37 [also as ‘What is Joyce Doing with the Novel?’, in John O’London’s Weekly, XXXIV, 881, 29 Feb. 1936, pp.821-26; infra]; ‘James Joyce’, in Derek Verschoyle, ed., The English Novelists: A Survey of the Novel by Twenty Contemporary Novelists (London: Chatto & Windus, 1936); with C. Day Lewis, New Anthology of Modern Verse (London: Methuen 1940); English for Pleasure, intro. Mary Somerville (Sch. Broadcasting Dir. 1941, 1942); The Rolling Road: The Story of travel on the Roads of Britain and the Development of Public Passenger Transport (London: Hutchinson 1956), 288pp.