One of the great values which Brighton instilled in me was that of charity, and so, to that end, my sister and I are embarking on a slightly ambitious bike ride from London to Paris (and back!) at the end of July. We're doing this in aid of Isabel Hospice, which supports terminally ill patients and their families in eastern Hertfordshire during times of unimaginable stress and sorrow.
Our own connection to this very special charity is quite personal - our close family friend Rob was sadly diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease two years ago and has since received exceptional care from IH. Ever the opportunist, he wanted to spread the word of this little-known charity which relies almost solely on donations, and as I seem to have developed a taste for physical challenges and pain (rowing at Oxford does that to you!) I was keen to do as much as I could to help raise more support.
If you would like to know any more about Isabel Hospice, please visit their website at
If you're already convinced, then please visit our JustGiving website to donate - donations of all sizes are welcome!! Alternatively, if you have any questions then please feel free to email me at
Thank you very much, and thank you to Brighton College for such a great start in life!