Luka's walk- Sunday 8th October 2017

Posted by System Administrator on 08 Oct 2017

Modified by System Administrator on 09 Oct 2017

We will meet at Brighton College, where Luka spent quite some years that were essential in his formation and education. This walk govers over the South Downs and is most a South Down climb with a few nice valleys on the way until Kingston Ridge, from where it is steep downhill into Lewes and Southover Grange gardens., at Luka's bench (a town which was also important in his childhood and youth.) The wlak will finis with a drink or lunch at the King's Head Inn. 

We can take our time, and all abilities are warmly encouraged. All friends and childre are, as every, more than welcome. Alternatively, if you feel more comfortable on four wheels and you are coming with small children, meet at Grange Gradens, Lewes and then join us at Snowdrop pub for a cup of tea / drink / meal. 

We trust the gathering will be a large and merry one. We look forward to seeing you there.

Contact details: Slavo Radosevic: - tel: 07947 252764.