Major Chris MacGregor (D. 1986-91)'s book - "My Daddy's Going Away"
Posted by System Administrator on 03 Feb 2010
Modified by System Administrator on 23 Nov 2016
Whether a soldier, sailor, airman, businessman, oil-rigger, truck driver, doctor, actor or sportsman - all Dads have to go away sometimes and temporary separation affects the whole family. Whatever he does, and no matter why Dad has to leave home, it is hard on all the family. If Dad's departure is understood, his absence is more likely to be accepted and this will reduce anxiety. "My Daddy's Going Away..." is a charming and educational children's picture book, endorsed by HRH The Prince of Wales, and designed to support families through the stress of paternal separation.
My Daddy's Going Away... is available for online sale now at: If you have any questions about sales or bulk order discounts, contact Chris at{youtube}HUylGKIC6NE{/youtube}