OBA Lodge Newsetter, February 2010
Posted by System Administrator on 03 Feb 2010
Modified by System Administrator on 23 Nov 2016
In February, the Master accompanied by his SW attended a presentation of grants from the “Sussex for Sussex” Masonic Charity, on this particular evening a total of £136000 was given out of which £15000 was given to The Mariners tea rooms in Rye. This restaurant provides work experience and a home for 10 adults with varying degrees of mental handicap.
£1500 was given to Coastway Hospital Radio (based at the Sussex County in Brighton) sponsored by the SW. It was a pleasure that these gifts were handed out by the Provincial Grand Master Ken Thomas.
This years Ladies Evening broke with tradition, and moved from the College, to the rural surroundings of Stanmer House. The evening was well attended, and enhanced by the generosity of the Master and his wife Lyn, who provided the pre-dinner champagne, and the wine with the meal. They also provided music throughout the reception and meal by harpist, Andrew Ballentyne – who teaches at the college. Although he could not attend the meal everyone was delighted to see Bill Blackshaw, and his wife Elizabeth, at the reception. Bill has recently been very ill after a hip operation, so to see him out and about was pleasing for all to see. This will be a hard evening to follow; luckily The WM is staying in office for the ensuing year, so we can hope for an evening of the same, if not higher standard.
The Masters Summer Party was once again held at Firle Place, on a glorious August afternoon. Once again it was a pleasant get together, and everyone enjoyed themselves, in a convivial atmosphere.
September 2009 saw Richard Lynch-White take the Chair of King Solomon for a second year. It was a pleasant evening, with W.Bro Chris Apps being elected an honorary member of the Lodge, at which point he gave an eloquent speech of his time and some of his experience.. The meeting was followed by an excellent Festive Board.
2010, is already looking to be a busy Masonic year The January meeting was delayed due to inclement weather, but we look forward to initiating a new member in April, together with two new joining members.
If anyone would like to know more please contact Michael Sword-Daniels the secretary on 01273 479195.