Old Brightonian Lodge Report, July 2012

Posted by System Administrator on 06 Jul 2012

Modified by System Administrator on 07 Dec 2017


The Lodge next met on the 7th of June again in the Horden Room, when we were privileged to carry out a third degree ceremony for Arthur Jolly Lodge. This ceremony was excellently carried out by W.Bro Peter Cockburn (S. 1959-64) assisted by V.W.Bro Grahame Carr (A. 1953-56) and W.Bro Richard Lynch-White, with the traditional history being given by W.Bro R. Newton, from Hertfordshire. W.Bro Adrian Latham was elected Master for the ensuing year to general acclaim.

After the meeting the members retired to the school dining room where dinner was served to 46. Numerous visitors from Brighton and elsewhere were suitably impressed by the College’s facilities.

The next planned event, the Master’s Summer Barbeque, has had to be cancelled owing to the pub where they were due to meet being burnt down. The next meeting of the Lodge which is the Installation Meeting of the new Master will be on August 21st 2012.