Our Alumni: Peter Wells-Thorpe (BCJS/Du. 1965-74)

Posted by System Administrator on 25 Oct 2024

Modified by System Administrator on 25 Oct 2024

What is your favourite memory of your time at Brighton College? 

Being complimented by a General inspecting the Combined Cadet Force on my answer to his question “Who is The Secretary of State for Defence?”.  

“Some chap called Mason…” I replied, apathetically [it was Roy Mason, MP].  

The General mistook my total disinterest in the whole proceedings for disapprobation of Mason. “You don’t rate him either? Well done, good man!”, much to the annoyance of a member of the teaching staff who had me marked down as a rebel and now had to swallow esteemed praise of me from such an impeccable representative of authority.  

Touché, as the college’s fencers say. 

What takes up most of your time at the moment? 

Producing the new British feel-good comedy film ‘The Game Of Our Lives’; exhibiting, promoting and selling the work of two outstanding British Fine Artists; helping launch the new national centre for the Museum of Youth Culture, which celebrates growing up and being a teenager in the UK and expressing ourselves creatively in the many different scenes, sounds and styles that shape our national identity in the eyes of the world. 

What about your life now would most surprise you as a Brighton College starter? 

With imagination, originality and determination you can build a series of successful careers across the creative industries, in Music, Film, TV and Art.   

You can be commercially and financially successful without having to get ripped off or having to rip off other people, without being untrue to yourself.  

Always keep your principles at the front and centre of your life, and, as the saying goes: Be Kind, Be Curious, Be Confident, Be The Best You. 

Because, when you are, everyone benefits.  

What excites you about the future? 

Every new challenge, every new opportunity to contribute the very best of yourself professionally to helping people realise their personal dreams and ambitions, and every chance continually to improve in my chosen careers. 

How has your time at Brighton College shaped your outlook on life? 

ΤΟ Δ'ΕΥ ΝΙΚΑΤΩ – ‘Let Right Prevail - is a central tenet of a democratic society and of my thinking. Not, as some might think the Greek words mean, ‘Let The Right Prevail’.  

What advice would you give to current Brighton College pupils inspired by your own journey? 

Find you own voice; recognise, nurture and celebrate your difference and individuality – it’s what makes you YOU.  

Explore and investigate as widely as possible for your inspiration and be a true philosopher – a lover of wisdom. 

My daughter just gave me a Chinese fortune cookie. Hold on, let me see what’s written inside………’Your destiny is great. Be patient’. 

What are the most challenging parts of your work? 

Challenge is what motivates and interests me, I thrive on it.  

Fortunately, my university training in analytic philosophy after I left the college, studying with some of the best philosophers of the time in England, helped me acquire the intellectual skills to tackle any difficult situation I face professionally and create a successful solution that benefits people.  

It was very challenging at the beginning, but you live and learn. Experience is a great teacher, as long as you pay attention, listen to it and learn from your failures, just as importantly as you do from your successes.  

Confidence in yourself and your own abilities is key to your success; never let anyone or anything dent it. 

What are you most proud of? 

Exposing corruption at the highest level of British Paralympic sport, on behalf of a brilliant sprint athlete who had been cheated out of her rightful career achievements and champion’s medals by a jealous rival who wanted to prevent the athlete replacing them at the top of their chosen discipline, because the athlete was quicker.  

After many years of the athlete’s unsuccessfully seeking justice, I worked diligently with her, over many months, to research and find the evidence to nail the cheat and to break the story as a world exclusive in the Sunday Times. ΤΟ Δ'ΕΥ ΝΙΚΑΤΩ. 

Which is your favourite house and why? 

Only Hampden and Chichester survive from my time, but Hampden had a good rep, then, as the most liberal, fun and happy community.  

Strangely, no-one asked me which house I’d like to join or bothered to consider which house best suited my interests, needs and abilities. Times were very different to now.  

I was put in Durnford, a bland, dreary, uninspiring, intellectual and cultural desert, apart from the oasis of rugby, where I had the privilege of being shown how to play as a fly-half [like Marcus Smith] by the inspirational John Pope.  

But, for a pleasure seeking teenager, Bristol [a boarding house] was the beating heart of sub-culture and my introduction to American artists like Frank Zappa, Santana, Mountain, Bob Dylan and Neil Young, patchouli oil and other interesting avenues of sensory stimulation. 

What is the best thing about being an Old Brightonian? 

Finally seeing the college embrace and champion the values in education and personal development which we all fought for as students 50 years ago, particularly in the creative and performing arts.  

I am delighted that Richard Cairns and the school management have built such an inspiring home for the future leading lights of the world’s creative industries, in my home city.  

Long may you flourish and thrive. Through your art, you have the power to transform people’s lives. 

Making art makes better people. And better people make a better world.