Photographs in the Archive: The Queen’s visit to Brighton College in 1962

Posted by System Administrator on 29 Sep 2017

Modified by System Administrator on 29 Sep 2017

The Argus describes the Queen’s 1962 trip to Sussex as being the most popular among Brighton residents. Her Majesty was visiting the area to open the George Street Renovation Programme in Hove. As part of her tour of the city, she also popped into the College. 

Regular comments from OBs who were here at the time, also indicate that her visit is a favourite memory of theirs. We consequently thought it would be great to share some archived photographs, which you may have never seen before:

{gallery}The Queens Visit in 1962{/gallery}

Were you at the College on this day? If so, we’d love to hear from you. It would be brilliant to share some of your memories to bring life to the photographs.