We have such a lot planned for this year and details are being finalised but keep an eye out for receptions in Manchester and Bristol; an Under 30s evening in Hove; the launch of the Brightonian Pioneers (the Over 60s); and the return of Brightonian Day to the Summer as part of a new revamped Commemoration Day which will end with a spectacular Summer Ball. And of course, the Annual Dinner in November will be a seriously nostalgic event with Philip Robinson as our Guest of Honour.
I hear it said by a number of OBs, especially of a certain vintage, that their time at the College was not an enjoyable one. It is always sad to hear that my own wonderful experience was not shared by everyone who went before me but I strongly urge all in that position to come back and see how different life here is. For today’s Brightonians the opportunities are endless, the atmosphere rich. Yes, the Brightonians of today do work extremely hard, they play hard and their achievements are fantastic, but I am delighted to say that the College turns out well rounded, confident and worldly young men and women who in time we will be proud to count among our members.
See for yourself – and if you’re planning a visit, let us know so we can make sure there’s someone to give you a guided tour.
David Gold (S. 1986-91)
OBA President