President's letter October 2006

Posted by System Administrator on 01 Oct 2006

Modified by System Administrator on 18 Dec 2017


It was, therefore, a pleasure to co-host the official launch of The International Friends of Brighton College at the Hong Kong Cricket Club in September during Top Schools Weekend and it was fantastic to have nearly 70 guests in attendance. Former pupils, current and past parents and even some prospective parents joined us for drinks with the Headmaster, Clare Connor (OB and Housemistress of Williams House), and Mary-Anne Brightwell (Director of Admissions).

The International Friends is a joint initiative between the OBA and the Development Office at Brighton College. The aim is to extend the family embrace of the College community to those who live overseas. We hope to stay in touch with more of our former students but also our current and former parents; to provide networking opportunities; and to extend the OBA social programme beyond the shores of the UK.

In the near future we hope to extend the scope of the International Friends of Brighton College to other countries. We are looking for Ambassadors who are willing to help us to facilitate this and would welcome volunteers! We already have people in Australia and America who have indicated their willingness and I am working on plans for those countries.

Wherever you are in the World, Brighton College remains accessible through this site and your feedback and input is always welcome. Please keep sending your news, photos, memories of Brighton life and anything else you’d like to share with our expanding global family.

From the heart of the UK’s youngest city, our best wishes to you and your family.

David Gold (S. 1986-91)

David Gold (S. 1986-91)
OBA President