President's letter Summer 2005

Posted by System Administrator on 01 Jun 2005

Modified by System Administrator on 22 Sep 2022


In the same way, the OBA is changing. We have introduced an on-line OBA shop for people to purchase merchandise and tickets to the expanding range of events using credit or debit cards. Cheques are still welcome, but in the 21st century we felt it was a long overdue improvement in our service.

The questionnaires we sent out with The Pelican magazine have been flooding in. The information is helping us to build a new database which will help us run more efficiently and provide a better range of services. It is also helping the College Careers Department provide work experience for current pupils. And it has enabled us to expand our OBA Business Directory so OBs can advertise their company or organisation free of charge to an ever expanding audience. If you have not yet sent us your form, please do.

We always welcome contributions and comments from fellow OBs. It’s great to hear from Pat Lyford (C.1949-55) to say he will be joining us for OB Day on 10 September and that he’s looking forward to meeting up with others from the Class of ’55 and we were pleased to receive an email from Dr. Ayan Panja (H.1986-91) giving us details of his new book, An Essential Medical Miscellany, a copy of which he has generously pledged to donate to the College Library, where we hope to establish a special collection of books by Old Brightonians.

If you have yet to order tickets for OB Day Lunch or the Sports Dinner (10 September) please do so soon to ensure you don’t miss out. Everyone is welcome to both events, and there is a reduced ticket price for couples. We are organising special reunions for those celebrating special anniversaries including the Classes of ’55, ’65, ’75, ’85 and ’95!

Tickets to the Annual Dinner with special guest Johnny Gold (L.1940-45) are selling very well and as this will be the last OBA engagement for Dr Seldon, we hope to have as many OBs there to say farewell as possible. Those who attended the College during his headship benefit from a reduced price for their tickets, so come alone or bring a group of your friends. Peter Binning (C.1975-80) is organising a reunion of the class of 1980 at the Dinner, so if you left in 1980 come and join us for a Silver Jubilee celebration!

As with all OBA events, spouses, partners, family and friends are very welcome.

Wherever you are in the world, whether you enjoyed or endured Brighton College, I hope you will make use of the OBA. If you have ideas to improve what we do or think we don’t do something we should, email or write to me. Along with your committee, I am here to help.

I look forward to welcoming you to an event in the very near future.
David Gold (S. 1986-91)

David Gold (S. 1986-91)
OBA President