He has contributed to a plethora of projects from public art pieces including a particularly impressive Arts Council commission straight out of art school, which stood on the roof of the Hayward Gallery in London for almost forty years. to theme parks, museum exhibits and more corporate client based endeavors.
Most recently, Philip has been working on what he calls sphere projects in both both static and kinetic form but have also been referred to as 'moving light work'. His most recent work is destined for the sculpture park at the Buffalo Creek Art Center, in the beatufiul surroundings of Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the border of California and Nevada. The climate of this particular area in the US can be tough, on a 5,500ft altitude against a mountain rage that climbs much higher - there are very hot and dry summers, very cold winters with high snow fal l- Philip has decided to create his oeuvre in construction steel reinforcement known in the US as Rebar, to the size of 5/8" rebar and a 10ft diameter. We are really looking forward to following the progress of the piece, and can't wait to see it in situ in the absolutely breathtaking surroundings of Buffalo Creek Art Centre.
Philip Vaughan was OB of the Month in February 2016, to read his feature click here. If you would like to nominate a fellow Old Brightonian who has inspired (or impressed!) you, please let us know by emailing ob@oldbrightonians.com.