The number of GCSEs passed at each grade is as follows:
- A* 811
- A 792
- B 208
- C 13
- D 1
- E 0
The following subjects saw at least 90% of grades at A*/A (a huge achievement):
- Art and Design
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Drama
- Dutch
- French
- Further Maths
- Geography
- German
- Greek
- History
- Japanese
- Mathematics
- Music
- PE
- Physics
- Russian
- Spanish
Just as we recognise the successes of our top sportsmen, actors and musicians during the academic year, so now is a good moment to celebrate the achievements of our very best academics – the 68 boys and girls who obtained at least 6 A* grades:
Euan Abercromby
Alexander Agureev
Anton Anikin
Emma Appleby
Amy Arnell
Shiza Ather
Thomas Azimrayat Andrews
Holly Barsham
Ivan Belostotskiy
Anna Bowskill
William Boyes
Chung Yee Chan
Wui Yan (Anson) Chau
Chris Cheng
Shui Kwan (Fronia) Cheng
Amelia Chisholm
Bethany Clarke
Isobel Cottrell
Aditya Desai
Frederick Dimbleby
Madeleine Dodge
Sophia Drake
Dominic England
Kerem Ergene
Liam Evans
Beatrix Grant
Louie Gray
Anna Harris
Oliver Jagger
Jemima Johnston
Paula Kircheva
Danylo Kovalenko
Marcus Lee
Jack Lewis
Andrew Lin
Jing Yow (Keiyu) Lin
Christopher Longhurst
Jack McHugh
Finlay Mead
John Mewes
Jack Neale
Tsun Hei Ng
Emily Nicholas
Martha North-Concar
Ethan Nott
Isabel O Nunain
Katie O Nunain
Rachel O Nunain
Sophie Philpots
Gregor Ramage
Samuel Reynolds
Rufus Saunders
Jessica Sharpe
Naomi Shaw
Yan Stayetski
Isaac Swirsky
Lilya Tata
Tat Man Tsang
Mikhail Vallance
Hennes Vermeer
Alicia Wergan
Billy Westhead
Jack Wheaton
Siena Wigley
Oliver Winters
Katherine Wong
William Wright
Tak Ho Yung
Well done to them and to the entire Upper 5th. They can now all look forward to joining the Sixth Form next week.