To the former pupils of Brighton College Junior School (1945 to 1972)

Posted by System Administrator on 18 Nov 2010

Modified by System Administrator on 27 Dec 2017

I have no clue as to the arrangement of the classrooms or the dormitories from the basement floor level to the top floor as well as the extensions at the rear of the buildings so I am trying to establish the room’s arrangement. I will than draw the plans based on your details you provided. I have asked former pupils who are now in their eighties but they only remembered a little such as the Boot Repairs, Carpentry, Tailoring, and Furniture Repairs Workshop, all in the basement.

I shall be most grateful if one of you, who were there at the time from 1945 to 1972, to draw up the plans, this, does not have to be drawn to scale but rough sketches will do.

Things I would very much like to see:

  • Basement Level
    I am aware that there was a basement of nos. 134/136 Eastern Road but I am not sure of the remaining premises including the annex at the rear.
    Please draw internal walls, corridors if any, staircases, fireplaces or radiators, and the internal doors. Name each room such as Carpentry, etc.
  • Ground Floor Level
    Please draw and name each room such as Classroom, Headmaster’s Study, Board Room, Toilets and the Corridors.
    Were you aware that there was a tablet (not sure if it was made of stone or wood) somewhere in the annex building/wing known at the time as Hugh Speed Heal Memorial Hall? The engraver was Eric Gill. Also in this extension/wing, there were Canteen, Sanatorium and the Sick Bay. I do not know the others so please draw up the missing rooms including the corridor leading from the main building.
  • First Floor Level
    I am not sure if the arrangement of each room at the Ground Floor correspondence to the floor above. There was a steel access stairs and elevated platform at the rear of the no.134/136 so I am wondering if there were some internal staircases. Can you please add the locations of toilet and bathroom/showers, etc? Was this floor Classrooms or Dormitories?
  • Second Floor Level
    Described as above.

Other than the floor plans, anything you can remember of any outbuildings, lean-to buildings, undercover, exit to the road from the playground(s), matured trees, etc would be greatly appreciate if you will indicate it on the layout sketch.

Please state your name and the duration of your school years so that I will add it to the Acknowledgement.

Please send sketches to: