AGM 2008

Posted by System Administrator on 01 Nov 2008

Modified by System Administrator on 23 Nov 2016

AGM 2008

The Chairman reported on the year’s activities, which had included a most successful Conference at Kimbolton School, attended by 80 Representatives. The highlights of the Conference had undoubtedly been the two outstanding presentations: one from the distinguished scholar and High Master of Manchester Grammar, Dr Christopher Ray, who entertained the Representatives with his perspective on the links between Manchester Grammar and its former pupils; and the other from Mr Joff Manning (Old Lawrentian), President of the Royal Holloway Students’ Union, who gave a fascinating talk entitled ‘How to Use Facebook and other Online Networking to Extend Alumni Contacts’. The Annual Dinner, held in the evening, was no less memorable when the Revd Ron Lancaster, formerly Chaplain of Kimbolton School and Director of Kimbolton Fireworks, proved a most entertaining after dinner speaker.

The Hon. Treasurer, Tim Neale (Old Radleian), was pleased to report that the AROPS finances were in good order.

The President thanked the Committee for all their hard work over the previous year. All the Committee members, with the exception of Michael Freegard (Haileybury Society) and Ken Laflin (Old Kimboltonian Association) who had both resigned, were re-elected while Tristan Bradley (King’s College School, Wimbledon) was newly elected to the Committee.

The following were unanimously elected as Officers:
Chairman Bill Gillen (Old Arnoldians and Old Instonians)
Treasurer Tim Neale (Radleian Society)
Registrar Maggy Douglas (St Alban’s High School OGA)
Secretary Michael Freegard (deputising for Melanie Whitfield-Tinkler who was on maternity leave).

After the formal business of the AGM was completed, the Chairman conducted brief discussions on the following topics: online booking for the Annual Conferences; lack of contact between old and younger members of a society; links between societies and former parents and other supporters of the school; contact with former pupils overseas; smaller schools; plans to hold a Facebook workshop early in the New Year; development officers; and analysis and increase of AROPS membership.

Two most interesting speeches followed: Elizabeth de Leeuw of the Queen’s Gate Old Girls’ Association gave a very amusing talk about the history of Queen’s Gate; while the Principal, Rosalynd Kamaryc spoke of the school today and how it offered an excellent all-round education.

The evening was rounded off by a splendid dinner, which gave plenty of opportunity to talk and discuss matters of mutual concern.

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