OBRFC Dinner & Dance 2002

Posted by System Administrator on 31 Aug 2002

Modified by System Administrator on 08 Nov 2017


The event kicked off at 2.00pm with a seven-a-side tournament comprised of 6 teams of OBs, which was well attended by both players and spectators. Needless to say, the tournament was eventually won by the youngest side with a healthy representation of recent College leavers. The weather was kind and the beer tent helped the event along!

The main event of the day was a well attended dinner and dance, which was held in the Great Hall with a great mix of old and young and John Pope as our guest of honour. A request (or two!) had been made for a minimum of speeches, which had been heartily endorsed by John Pope himself. However, following a very brief presentation to John and Linda Pope, John felt so overwhelmed that he entertained us with a 15 minute speech!

All joking apart - the evening was a tremendous success and plans are underway to extend and improve it as an annual event (including a girls' netball match - get your names down early to avoid disappointment girls!). We are looking at a date in September 2003 so any input would be gratefully received.

Thank you to everyone who made this event such a success but especially to Roger and Nicky Simons, Mark Dodd, Ted Littlewood and all the others who's hard work made it possible.