REPORT: Oxbridge Dinner 2012

Posted by System Administrator on 24 Feb 2012

Modified by System Administrator on 08 Nov 2017

The dinner was to be hosted by Sir John Chilcot, Hon. Fellow of Pembroke and President of the Old Brightonians but sadly a royal engagement kept him from the event. However, a suitably convivial evening was had in The Old Library at Pembroke where all enjoyed a superb meal and regaled each other with recent news and events both at Brighton College and indeed of the various Colleges that our Oxbridge OBs attend. Mark Beard, Deputy Head, gave an entertaining speech with the assistance of Will Noble (L. 2004-09), and the Head Master extended an invitation to all undergraduate OB Oxbridge students to come back to the College to speak to current sixthformers about their course choices.

The evening continued in a local drinking establishment, our Oxford party leaving at about midnight to make the journey back home, with a handful staying over in Cambridge and the odd Cambridge OB returning to Oxford to visit friends. All in all a lovely evening and super to catch up with all those attending.
